No rabbit food here!
You want to shed some excess weight but don’t want to go on a “girly” diet. The majority of diets out there are mainly aimed at women, the ones that are male orientated tend to be for men that want to lift heavy weights and exist on protein shakes and chicken.
Maybe you are thinking about starting to do some exercise, want to be in better shape or become a little more healthier so you can run about with your kids and aren’t sure where to start.
It’s Nutrition can help, if you want to lose weight but still enjoy food and eat proper meals like Spaghetti bolognaise, burgers, roast dinners and chilli con carne then you have come to the right place.
We will create a meal plan that fits into your current lifestyle and nutritional goals based on foods you enjoy. No rabbit food or dust allowed!
Get in touch now for more information and how to get started.
Not local? Our personalised man plan can be done online, via email.